The Define component of the ASCA Model includes the set of beliefs and the philosophy which guide the program; the mission, or program purpose; and the three student outcome domains of academic, personal/social and career development. ​​The three sets of school counseling standards that define the school counseling profession are:
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success
ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors
ASCA School Professional Standards & Competencies
These standards help new and experienced school counselors develop, implement and assess their school counseling program to improve student outcomes.
School Counseling Philosophy
School counselors have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in schools. I believe that my life and professional experience combined with my fieldwork experience and education at Chapman University, qualify me as an exceptional professional school counselor. I am convinced that one caring adult can foster change in a student's life. I am confident in my ability to ensure academic success, social-emotional well-being, and college/career readiness for every student.
I utilize techniques from Solutions-Focused Brief Counseling, which I was trained in during my graduate coursework. I also consider Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model when working with students and schools, as I understand how several systems impact the individual student. As a member of the American School Counselor Association, I model my practice after their professional guidelines and ethical standards to help ensure effective work and ethical compliance.
My work with administrators and teachers is a collaborative effort. I believe in consultation and teamwork, which includes consistent and professional communication. I am proud of the professional relationships built with my peers, professors, and staff my fieldwork sites, and I look forward to building new ones. My interactions with parents, guardians, and caregivers reflect an authentic hope for student achievement and well-being. I encourage student success and development through building relationships with the multiple stakeholders who support student growth.
Ethical Dilemma Case Study and Advocacy Research Project
The Ethical Dilemma Case Study allowed my team to utilize the ASCA Ethical Standards and Education Codes to help us navigate a possible school ethical dilemma. The Advocacy Research Project allows our team to examine the School to Prison pipeline and the Role of the School Counselor in addressing this issue.